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The Genesee Health Plan (GHP) funds basic affordable health care coverage for thousands of Genesee County hard-working adults, families and seniors through a special countywide millage. This millage was first approved by voters in 2006 and renewed in 2012.
On Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, the Genesee Health Plan millage renewal will appear on the General Election ballot as the “Genesee County Health Care Services Millage Renewal”. Genesee County residents will have the opportunity to renew this millage.
Facts about the millage renewal:
Property tax amount: 0.998 mills, which is about $50 per year for homeowners with a home valued at $100,000
Estimated amount millage would generate each year: Approximately $9 million per year
Duration: 7 years
Q: What is the Genesee Health Plan (GHP)?
GHP provides basic affordable health care coverage for hard-working people who work one, two or even three jobs but don’t receive health care coverage from their employer, or people who have lost their jobs and health benefits. GHP covers preventive health care services including doctor visits, mammograms and cancer screenings, outpatient mental health services, prescription drugs, labs and x-rays, as well as dental care coverage for seniors. GHP ensures all residents of Genesee County have access to basic health coverage and routine care.
Q: When will the millage renewal appear?
The Genesee County Health Care Services Millage renewal will appear on the November 6, 2018 ballot.
Q: How much funding does the millage generate and where will it go?
The millage generates approximately $9 million every year and 100% of the money raised from this millage is spent on direct health care services for patients such as doctors visits, mammograms and cancer screenings, outpatient mental health services, prescription drugs, labs and x-rays and dental care coverage for seniors.
Q: How much will the millage cost Genesee County homeowners?
Because this is a millage renewal, tax rates will stay the same as they are today. The proposed rate of 0.998 mills will cost the owner of a home valued at $100,000 about $50 per year.
Q: How will Genesee Health Plan be held accountable for this millage?
To ensure taxpayer funds are spent wisely and transparently, all millage dollars are publicly disclosed and reported, and go through an independent financial audit every year. One hundred percent of the money raised from the millage is spent on direct health care services for patients. GHP also makes annual public reports and disclosures to the Genesee Health Plan Board of Directors and the Genesee County Board of Commissioners.
For more about GHP’s commitment to transparency and accountability, CLICK HERE.
Q: How will the millage benefit Genesee County residents?
Without the Genesee Health Plan, thousands of hard-working people, families and seniors in Genesee County would not have access to primary and preventive health care services. In fact, one in five Genesee County residents have received coverage from GHP over the last 17 years, providing a medical home for the uninsured, which is why local nurses, veterans and doctors support GHP.
Q: How can you help?
If you are currently on Genesee Health Plan, or have been served by Genesee Health Plan at anytime, we would like to hear your story! Please contact Communications Coordinator, Shannon Ciszek, by email at sciszek@countyhealthplans.org or by phone at 810-232-7740 ext. 245. You can also help by endorsing the health plan either as an individual or an organization. Please click on and complete the appropriate form below and email to sciszek@countyhealthplans.org or mail to Genesee Health Plan, Attn: Shannon Ciszek, 2171 S. Linden Road, Flint MI 48532.