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VOTE YES! November 6
Shall there be a renewal of the previously approved authorization of the Genesee County Board of Commissioners to levy a tax of 0.9980 mill ($0.998 per $1,000.00 of taxable property valuation) upon the taxable valuation of the property within Genesee County, as finally equalized, for each of the seven (7) years from 2020 through 2026, inclusive, for the purpose of providing, through the Genesee County Health Department, a health care services delivery system, such as the Genesee Health Plan, for uninsured low-income residents of Genesee County?
This is a renewal of the Genesee County Health Care Services Millage that expires after the 2019 levy. The estimated revenue that will be collected during the first year this millage is authorized and levied is $9,151,925.
In Genesee County, there are local authorities that capture and use for authorized purposes tax increment revenues from property taxes levied by the County. Such captured revenue would include a portion of the proposed millage levy. The total amount of captured tax increment revenues from the proposed millage levy in the first calendar year of the levy is estimated to be $139,835. The following such local authorities presently are expected to capture and receive disbursement of a portion of the County’s property tax levy:
City of Burton Downtown Development Authority (“DDA”); City of Clio DDA and Neighborhood Improvement Authority (“NIA”); City of Davison DDA and Local Development Finance Authority (“LDFA”); City of Fenton DDA and LDFA; City of Flint DDA; East Pierson Road Corridor Improvement Authority (“CIA”) and NIA; City of Grand Blanc DDA and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (“BRA”); City of Linden DDA; City of Montrose DDA; City of Mt. Morris DDA; City of Swartz Creek DDA; Genesee County BRA and Land Bank Authority; Davison Township DDA; Hill Road CIA; Mt. Morris Township Business Development Authority (“BDA”); Vienna Township BDA; Village of Lennon DDA; Village of Otisville DDA; and Village of Otter Lake DDA.
Other such local authorities could be created in the future.
You will find the Health Care Services Millage Renewal at the bottom of your ballot.